Thursday, July 30, 2009

Silly Little Scene Girls

Today I realised that my sister is an intense drama queen. All these rumors and arguments and stuff I don't care about at all is all I hear come out of her mouth. She's 14 and she is starting her first year of high school this coming Monday. So, today was open house/ orientation for upcoming freshman at our high school and they give the new students their home rooms and schedules and a tour of the school. Well, my sister found out that she'll be in homeroom with another girl she has been back and forth with for about 2 or 3 years. I swear I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many times these two have been friends and not-friends. And these girls are the epitome of scene. They say they're not because of course they don't want to be "labeled" and "it's they're own style", but let me tell you something...being a non conformist is just conforming with other non conformists, right??

So, right now these two girls are at each others throats and I have no idea how long that's going to last. Maybe they'll be friends again by the beginning of school, maybe not. But I swear if I have to listen to another argument about hair I'm going to lose it. And that's a promise.

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