Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dear ________,

Hello, how has it been? I hope you've been well. Letters are such an old thing aren't they?? I mean, now the people that send them are old people who want to send you some money, right?? Who do you know that writes just to say hey? Not too any people nowadays. It's all Myspace and Facebook now. Oh, and you cant forget the wonderful invention of texting. I adore texting. Don't you think it's kind of funny that people manufacture cards to send/give to other people when they're sick, getting married, or saying thanks for the birthday card? I do. It's not too sincere either, right? This, after all, is a quite sincere letter. I mean, look at all this crap I've written. That has got to mean It's pretty damn sincere. You can't scribble something like this at a traffic light. Premade cards aren't special... They're a last resort. I, personally, am never blown away by a birthday card that has a queer little mass-produced poem with a quickly written down "Have a good day Love, Uncle". Other than the money inside, it's garbage. A letter like this is one to be kept, possibly framed. All other letters are crap. Haha maybe not.


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