Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rant on Religion, anyone??

I find it quite annoying when people die and someone says "Well, atleast they're in a better place." THEY'RE NOT! THEY'RE IN THE GROUND!! What could possibly constitute that as "a better place"? I don't get it. I mean Religion has something to do with it but religion is dumb. Religion is for people who don't want to know. Religion is for people who don't want to expand their minds passed a given point. Religious people just pray to some omniscient prick who doesn't care about them. They build a wall so they don't let anything in. They are the most ignorant people on this planet, and sadly 99% of the earth is ignorant. I choose to expand my mind beyond "When I die I go to heaven and I spend the rest of eternity with God." It's bologna. It's a fairytale. I refuse to believe any of that.
So. They're not in a better place. They're dead.

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